Difference Between Salesforce Role and Profile

 Top 10 Descriptive differences between Salesforce Roles and Profiles:


Salesforce Roles

Salesforce Profiles


Roles define a user's job function or position within the organization. They determine what records users can access and the level of access they have.

Profiles control the object, field, and record-level permissions for a user. They determine what users can do with the data they have access to.


Roles are organization-wide and apply to all users within the specified role hierarchy.

Profiles are assigned to individual users or a group of users, allowing for more granular control.

Access Level

Roles define the level of access to data within the organization. They determine which records are visible and editable to users.

Profiles determine the level of access to objects, fields, and records. They control whether users can create, read, edit, or delete records.

Hierarchical Structure

Roles are organized in a hierarchical structure, representing the reporting relationships within the organization.

Profiles are not hierarchical and are assigned directly to users or groups.


Roles can inherit the access levels and settings of higher-level roles in the hierarchy.

Profiles do not inherit permissions from other profiles or users.

Record Ownership

Roles do not impact record ownership. Ownership is determined by the user who creates the record or is assigned ownership through sharing rules or manual sharing.

Profiles can determine the record ownership and control which users can transfer ownership of records.


Roles primarily control data visibility, allowing users to see and access records within their role hierarchy.

Profiles control object visibility, determining which objects users can see and interact with.

Role Assignment

Roles are assigned based on job function and can be manually assigned or automatically assigned through user provisioning.

Profiles are assigned to individual users or groups manually.

Organization-Wide Defaults

Roles do not directly affect organization-wide default sharing settings.

Profiles can impact organization-wide default sharing settings by controlling the object-level permissions.

Reporting and Analytics

Roles can be used to create reports and dashboards based on the user's position in the role hierarchy.

Profiles do not directly impact reporting and analytics features.


Salesforce Role and Profile are two important concepts in Salesforce that control access and permissions for users. Here are the top 10 descriptive differences between Salesforce Role and Profile:

  1. Definition:
    • Role: A role defines a user's position or hierarchy in an organization, representing the user's job title or responsibilities.
    • Profile: A profile defines the permissions and settings that determine what a user can do within an organization's Salesforce org.
  2. Access Control:
    • Role: Roles control record-level access in Salesforce. Users with higher roles typically have access to more records.
    • Profile: Profiles control object-level and field-level access in Salesforce. They determine what data and functionality a user can access.
  3. Hierarchy:
    • Role: Roles are arranged in a hierarchical structure, where higher-level roles have access to the records owned by users in lower-level roles.
    • Profile: Profiles are not organized in a hierarchical structure. They are assigned directly to individual users.
  4. Record Ownership:
    • Role: Roles determine the record ownership. Users in higher roles can own and access records owned by users in lower roles.
    • Profile: Profiles do not directly determine record ownership. They control the permissions and access levels for records based on the user's role and profile settings.
  5. Record Visibility:
    • Role: Roles impact the visibility of records. Users in higher roles can view records owned by users in lower roles, subject to their sharing settings.
    • Profile: Profiles define the object-level and field-level permissions, which determine the visibility of records for users.
  6. Role Hierarchy Sharing:
    • Role: Role hierarchy can be used to automatically share records with users in higher roles, based on the organization-wide default sharing settings.
    • Profile: Profiles do not have a direct role in the automatic sharing of records. Sharing rules and manual sharing are used for record sharing.
  7. User Management:
    • Role: Roles are primarily used for defining the hierarchical structure of an organization and assigning record-level access to users.
    • Profile: Profiles are used for managing user permissions, access to objects, fields, and functionality within the Salesforce org.
  8. Granularity of Control:
    • Role: Roles provide a broader level of control, mainly focusing on record-level access based on hierarchy.
    • Profile: Profiles provide more granular control, including object-level, field-level, and application-level access permissions.
  9. Reusability:
    • Role: Roles are specific to individual users and cannot be reused across different users.
    • Profile: Profiles can be assigned to multiple users who require similar access and permissions.
  10. Flexibility:
    • Role: Roles are relatively static and less flexible, as they are primarily determined by an organization's hierarchy and job titles.
    • Profile: Profiles offer more flexibility, as they can be customized to meet the specific access and functionality requirements of different user roles.



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