Top 100 Interview Questions with Answer on Salesforce App Builder

Top 100 Interview Questions with Answer on Salesforce App Builder

1. What is Salesforce App Builder?

Salesforce App Builder is a visual development tool that allows users to create custom applications on the Salesforce platform without any coding knowledge.

2. What are the key components of the Salesforce App Builder?

The key components of Salesforce App Builder include App Pages, App Actions, App Tabs, and Lightning Components.

3. What are the different types of Lightning components?

There are two types of Lightning components: Aura components and Lightning web components.

4. What is the difference between Aura components and Lightning web components?

Aura components are built using the Aura framework, while Lightning web components are built using the Lightning Web Components framework, which is based on web standards.

5. How can you add a Lightning component to a Lightning page in App Builder?

You can add a Lightning component to a Lightning page in App Builder by dragging and dropping the component from the Component Palette onto the desired section of the page.

6. What is the difference between a Lightning page and a Lightning component?

A Lightning page is a collection of Lightning components and standard components, while a Lightning component is a reusable building block that can be added to Lightning pages.

7. What is the difference between a Lightning App and a Lightning component?

A Lightning App is a standalone application built on the Salesforce platform, while a Lightning component is a reusable building block that can be used in Lightning Apps and Lightning pages.

8. How can you customize the layout of a Lightning page in App Builder?

You can customize the layout of a Lightning page in App Builder by adding and arranging components in different sections and columns.

9. What is the Lightning App Builder?

Lightning App Builder is a tool that allows users to customize the layout and functionality of Salesforce mobile and desktop apps using a drag-and-drop interface.

10. What are the different types of Lightning pages?

The different types of Lightning pages are Home pages, Record pages, App pages, and Community pages.

11. What is a Home page in Salesforce?

A Home page is the first page that users see when they log in to Salesforce. It can be customized using the Lightning App Builder to display relevant information and components.

12. How can you add a custom Lightning component to a Home page?

You can add a custom Lightning component to a Home page by editing the Home page in the Lightning App Builder and dragging the component onto the desired section of the page.

13. What is a Record page in Salesforce?

A Record page is a page that displays the details of a specific record, such as an account, contact, or opportunity. It can be customized using the Lightning App Builder.

14. How can you add a custom Lightning component to a Record page?

You can add a custom Lightning component to a Record page by editing the Record page in the Lightning App Builder and dragging the component onto the desired section of the page.

15. What is an App page in Salesforce?

An App page is a page that is specific to a Salesforce app. It can be customized using the Lightning App Builder and can include custom Lightning components and standard components.

16. How can you add a custom Lightning component to an App page?

You can add a custom Lightning component to an App page by editing the App page in the Lightning App Builder and dragging the component onto the desired section of the page.

17. What is a Community page in Salesforce?

A Community page is a page that is specific to a Salesforce community. It can be customized using the Lightning App Builder and can include custom Lightning components and standard components.

18. How can you add a custom Lightning component to a Community page?

You can add a custom Lightning component to a Community page by editing the Community page in the Lightning App Builder and dragging the component onto the desired section of the page


19. How can you control the visibility of a Lightning component on a page?

You can control the visibility of a Lightning component on a page by configuring the component's visibility filters in the Lightning App Builder.

20. What are the different types of visibility filters available for Lightning components?

The different types of visibility filters available for Lightning components are User Profile, Record Type, and Custom Logic.

21. How can you assign a Lightning component to a specific user profile?

You can assign a Lightning component to a specific user profile by adding the component to a Lightning page and assigning that page to the desired user profile.

22. What is Lightning Data Service?

Lightning Data Service is a data access layer provided by Salesforce that allows Lightning components to retrieve, create, update, and delete records without writing custom Apex code.

23. How can you use Lightning Data Service in a Lightning component?

You can use Lightning Data Service in a Lightning component by adding the force:recordData component to the component's markup and specifying the target record to work with.

24. What is the purpose of an Apex controller in a Lightning component?

An Apex controller is used in a Lightning component to handle server-side logic, perform database operations, and interact with external systems.

25. How can you associate an Apex controller with a Lightning component?

You can associate an Apex controller with a Lightning component by adding the controller attribute to the component's markup and specifying the controller's name.

26. Can you use multiple Apex controllers in a single Lightning component?

No, a Lightning component can only have a single Apex controller associated with it.

27. What is the role of the $A global value provider in Lightning components?

The $A global value provider is used in Lightning components to access Aura framework services and methods, such as creating components dynamically, firing events, and handling component lifecycle.

28. How can you access a component's attribute value in its controller or helper?

You can access a component's attribute value in its controller or helper by using the component's get method and passing the attribute's name as a parameter.

29. How can you fire an event from a Lightning component?

You can fire an event from a Lightning component by using the $A.get("e.namespace:eventName") method to get the event reference and then calling the fire() method on the event.

30. How can you handle an event in a Lightning component's controller or helper?

You can handle an event in a Lightning component's controller or helper by adding an event handler method and specifying the event's name and parameters in the component's markup.

31. What is the difference between a Lightning event and a component event?

A Lightning event is a type of event that can be fired and handled by any component in the Lightning app, while a component event is a type of event that is fired and handled within the same component.

32. How can you navigate to a different Lightning page from a Lightning component?

You can navigate to a different Lightning page from a Lightning component by using the force:navigateToComponent or force:navigateToURL events, or by calling the navigateToComponent or navigateToURL methods in the $A global value provider.

33. What is Lightning Out?

Lightning Out is a feature that allows you to embed Lightning components in external web pages, such as a Visualforce page or a third-party website.

34. How can you use Lightning components in Visualforce pages?

You can use Lightning components in Visualforce pages by including the <apex:includeLightning /> component and specifying the Lightning component to render.

35. What is the difference between the force:recordEdit and force:recordView Lightning components?

The force:recordEdit component is used to display an editable form for a record, while the force:recordView component is used to display a read-only view

 of a record.

36. How can you display a related list of records in a Lightning component?

You can display a related list of records in a Lightning component by using the force:relatedList component and specifying the related object and fields to display.

37. How can you handle errors in a Lightning component?

You can handle errors in a Lightning component by using the aura:handledError event and adding an event handler method to display the error message or perform any necessary actions.

38. What is the Lightning Component Framework Bundle?

The Lightning Component Framework Bundle is a collection of metadata files that define a Lightning component, including its markup, controller, helper, style, and documentation.

39. How can you deploy a Lightning component using the Metadata API?

You can deploy a Lightning component using the Metadata API by including the Lightning component bundle in a metadata deployment package and deploying it to the target Salesforce org.

40. How can you test a Lightning component?

You can test a Lightning component by creating a Lightning test component that includes test cases for the component's functionality and running the tests using the Lightning Testing Service (LTS).

41. What is the Lightning Component Library?

The Lightning Component Library is a collection of pre-built, reusable Lightning components provided by Salesforce that can be used to accelerate the development of Lightning apps.

42. What is the difference between the Lightning Component Library and the AppExchange?

The Lightning Component Library is a collection of pre-built Lightning components provided by Salesforce, while the AppExchange is a marketplace for third-party apps and components built on the Salesforce platform.

43. How can you create a Lightning component in Salesforce?

You can create a Lightning component in Salesforce by navigating to the Lightning App Builder, creating a new Lightning page or component, and defining the component's markup, controller, and helper.

44. What is Lightning Data Service (LDS)?

Lightning Data Service (LDS) is a Salesforce feature that allows developers to access and manipulate Salesforce data without writing custom Apex code.

45. What are the advantages of using Lightning Data Service?

The advantages of using Lightning Data Service include reduced development time, automatic handling of record data and user interface events, and improved performance through smart caching.

46. What is the difference between Lightning Data Service and Apex?

Lightning Data Service provides a declarative way to work with Salesforce data without writing Apex code, while Apex is a server-side programming language used to create custom business logic and data manipulation in Salesforce.

47. How can you use Lightning Data Service in a Lightning component?

You can use Lightning Data Service in a Lightning component by adding the force:recordData tag to the component's markup and specifying the object and recordId to work with.

48. What is the difference between force:recordData and force:recordEditForm?

The force:recordData component provides data access and management capabilities for a record, while the force:recordEditForm component is used to create or edit a record.

49. How can you retrieve field values using Lightning Data Service?

You can retrieve field values using Lightning Data Service by defining the fields attribute in the force:recordData component and binding the fields to the component's markup or controller.

50. How can you save changes to a record using Lightning Data Service?

You can save changes to a record using Lightning Data Service by calling the saveRecord() method on the force:recordData component or by using the standard saveRecord event.

51. What is the purpose of the lightning:recordForm component?

The lightning:recordForm component provides a simplified way to create, edit, or view a record without writing custom markup or controller code.

52. How can you use the lightning:recordForm component?

You can use the lightning:recordForm component by specifying the object and layoutType attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired fields to the


53. What is the difference between lightning:recordForm and force:recordEditForm?

The lightning:recordForm component provides a simplified way to create, edit, or view a record, while the force:recordEditForm component is a more flexible and customizable option.

54. How can you display a related list using the lightning:recordForm component?

You can display a related list using the lightning:recordForm component by including the relatedLists attribute in the component's markup and specifying the related object and fields to display.

55. What is the lightning:recordViewForm component used for?

The lightning:recordViewForm component is used to display the details of a record in a read-only view without allowing users to edit the record.

56. How can you use the lightning:recordViewForm component?

You can use the lightning:recordViewForm component by specifying the object and recordId attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired fields to the component.

57. How can you handle errors in Lightning Data Service?

You can handle errors in Lightning Data Service by adding an error handler method to the force:recordData component and handling the error event.

58. What is the purpose of the force:hasRecordId interface?

The force:hasRecordId interface is used to pass the recordId of the current record to the component when it's used on a Lightning page or a Lightning Record Page.

59. What is the lightning:formattedText component used for?

The lightning:formattedText component is used to display formatted text with HTML tags, such as bold or italic, in a Lightning component.

60. How can you use the lightning:formattedText component?

You can use the lightning:formattedText component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and providing the desired formatted text as a string.

61. What is the lightning:formattedDateTime component used for?

The lightning:formattedDateTime component is used to display a formatted date and time in a Lightning component based on a specified date value and format.

62. How can you use the lightning:formattedDateTime component?

You can use the lightning:formattedDateTime component by specifying the value and format attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired date value and format to the component.

63. What is the lightning:formattedNumber component used for?

The lightning:formattedNumber component is used to display a formatted number in a Lightning component based on a specified number value and format.

64. How can you use the lightning:formattedNumber component?

You can use the lightning:formattedNumber component by specifying the value and format attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired number value and format to the component.

65. What is the lightning:formattedUrl component used for?

The lightning:formattedUrl component is used to display a formatted hyperlink in a Lightning component based on a specified URL value and label.

66. How can you use the lightning:formattedUrl component?

You can use the lightning:formattedUrl component by specifying the value and label attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired URL value and label to the component.

67. What is the lightning:formattedAddress component used for?

The lightning:formattedAddress component is used to display a formatted address in a Lightning component based on a specified address object.

68. How can you use the lightning:formattedAddress component?

You can use the lightning:formattedAddress component by specifying the addressObject attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired address object to the component.

69. What is the lightning:formattedLocation component used for?

The lightning:formattedLocation component is used to display a formatted geolocation in a Lightning component based on a specified latitude and longitude values.

70. How can you use the lightning:formattedLocation component?

You can use the lightning:formattedLocation component by specifying

 the latitude and longitude attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired latitude and longitude values to the component.

71. What is the lightning:formattedPhone component used for?

The lightning:formattedPhone component is used to display a formatted phone number in a Lightning component based on a specified phone number value.

72. How can you use the lightning:formattedPhone component?

You can use the lightning:formattedPhone component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired phone number value to the component.

73. What is the lightning:formattedEmail component used for?

The lightning:formattedEmail component is used to display a formatted email address in a Lightning component based on a specified email address value.

74. How can you use the lightning:formattedEmail component?

You can use the lightning:formattedEmail component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired email address value to the component.

75. What is the lightning:formattedRichText component used for?

The lightning:formattedRichText component is used to display rich text content in a Lightning component based on a specified HTML value.

76. How can you use the lightning:formattedRichText component?

You can use the lightning:formattedRichText component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired HTML value to the component.

77. What is the lightning:formattedPercent component used for?

The lightning:formattedPercent component is used to display a formatted percentage value in a Lightning component based on a specified decimal value.

78. How can you use the lightning:formattedPercent component?

You can use the lightning:formattedPercent component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired decimal value to the component.

79. What is the lightning:formattedCurrency component used for?

The lightning:formattedCurrency component is used to display a formatted currency value in a Lightning component based on a specified decimal value and currency code.

80. How can you use the lightning:formattedCurrency component?

You can use the lightning:formattedCurrency component by specifying the value and currencyCode attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired decimal value and currency code to the component.

81. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedNumber component?

The lightning:formattedNumber component is used to display a formatted number in a Lightning component based on a specified number value and format.

82. How can you use the lightning:formattedNumber component?

You can use the lightning:formattedNumber component by specifying the value and format attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired number value and format to the component.

83. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedTime component?

The lightning:formattedTime component is used to display a formatted time value in a Lightning component based on a specified time value and format.

84. How can you use the lightning:formattedTime component?

You can use the lightning:formattedTime component by specifying the value and format attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired time value and format to the component.

85. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedBoolean component?

The lightning:formattedBoolean component is used to display a formatted boolean value in a Lightning component based on a specified boolean value.

86. How can you use the lightning:formattedBoolean component?

You can use the lightning:formattedBoolean component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired boolean value to the component.

87. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedInteger component?

The lightning:formattedInteger component is used to display a formatted integer value in a Lightning component based on a specified integer value.

88. How can you use the lightning:formattedInteger component?

You can use the lightning:formattedInteger component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired integer

 value to the component.

89. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedDecimal component?

The lightning:formattedDecimal component is used to display a formatted decimal value in a Lightning component based on a specified decimal value.

90. How can you use the lightning:formattedDecimal component?

You can use the lightning:formattedDecimal component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired decimal value to the component.

91. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedURL component?

The lightning:formattedURL component is used to display a formatted URL in a Lightning component based on a specified URL value.

92. How can you use the lightning:formattedURL component?

You can use the lightning:formattedURL component by specifying the value attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired URL value to the component.

93. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedAddress component?

The lightning:formattedAddress component is used to display a formatted address in a Lightning component based on a specified address object.

94. How can you use the lightning:formattedAddress component?

You can use the lightning:formattedAddress component by specifying the address attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired address object to the component.

95. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedName component?

The lightning:formattedName component is used to display a formatted name in a Lightning component based on a specified name object.

96. How can you use the lightning:formattedName component?

You can use the lightning:formattedName component by specifying the name attribute in the component's markup and binding the desired name object to the component.

97. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedLocation component?

The lightning:formattedLocation component is used to display a formatted geolocation in a Lightning component based on a specified latitude and longitude values.

98. How can you use the lightning:formattedLocation component?

You can use the lightning:formattedLocation component by specifying the latitude and longitude attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired latitude and longitude values to the component.

99. What is the purpose of the lightning:formattedDateTime component?

The lightning:formattedDateTime component is used to display a formatted date and time in a Lightning component based on a specified datetime value and format.

100. How can you use the lightning:formattedDateTime component?

You can use the lightning:formattedDateTime component by specifying the value and format attributes in the component's markup and binding the desired datetime value and format to the component.

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